Mujeres de la Biblia Juda ASZI854373
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Obra amplia, documentada y rigurosa sobre el papel de la mujer en el judasmo antiguo; tanto de los libros del canon hebreo (Miqr), como de los libros Deuterocannicos aadidos en la dispora helenista entre los siglos II-I a.C. y que son parte de la Biblia de los Setenta, LXX.Por eso, no es un libro de carcter biogrfico, buscando extraer lecciones espirituales o morales, sino que analiza la imagen, la personalidad, la conducta y el proceder de cada una de ellas a la luz del pensamiento de los escritores sagrados y la teologa rabnica; tratando de desentraar el por qu se las presenta de ese modo, el motivo de los detalles particulares que de cada una cuentan, y el mensaje simblico y subliminal que se busca comunicar. La obra se divide en tres partes: 1. Mujeres del recuerdo: en el principio. Las mujeres antes del exilio babilnico. 2. Mujeres en crisis: el contexto judo. La mujer en el pre-exilio, exilio y post-exilio.(Siglos VI-V a.C.).3. Mujeres como smbolos: las grandes mujeres del judasmo. Analiza la figura histrica o simblica de estas. Descubre que mediante una lectura cuidadosa de toda la Biblia desde la perspectiva de la mujer, como hace este libro, nos ayudar a entender y resolver mejor el tema de la mujer, no slo en la Biblia juda, sino en la historia y futuro de la humanidad. Se incluyen ndices de personas y temas, que convierten el libro en un verdadero y til Diccionario Bblico sobre la Mujer, y una completa bibliografa y un extenso aparato crtico de notas a pie de pgina,. Una de las mejores obras acadmicas y la ms actual y amplia sobre el tema, cuya lectura exige haber pasado por un seminario teolgico o preparacin universitaria de nivel medio-alto.
A comprehensive work, rigorously documented, on the role of the woman in ancient Judaism as reflected in the books of the Hebrew canon (the Mithra), as well as the Deutero-canonical books written during the two or three centuries before Christ that were included in the Septuagint, the LXX Bible.
For that reason, this book is not a collection of biographies of women concluding with moral or spiritual lessons. Rather, this book attempts to analyze the image, the personality, the conduct and the behavior of each of the women as reflected in the thoughts of the writers of the ancient Scriptures and rabbinic theology. The author attempts to discern the reasoning behind the ways that women are represented, the motives behind the details that are provided regarding each one, and the symbolic and subliminal message that is being communicated. The work is divided into three parts:
Women of memory: Women who lived before the Babylonian exile.
Women in crisis: The Judean context. Women living in pre-exilic, exilic, and post-exilic times, in the fifth and sixth centuries before Christ.
Women as symbols: The great women of Judaism. Analysis of women as historical and symbolic figures.
You may discover that a careful review of the entire Bible with a special focus on women, as provided in this book, will give you a better understanding and perspective on the role of women, not only living in Biblical Judea, but also throughout the history of humanity and into the future.
This book includes indexes by name and by subject that enhance its value as a useful and authoritative Biblical Dictionary on Women, as well as a complete bibliography and an extensive system of footnotes and explanatory materials.
This is one of the best academic works and the most current and most extensive on the subject, and one that ought to be required reading at any theological seminary or high-level university class.
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